

‘For God so loved the world
that He gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him will not die,
but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16

Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life,
and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10


Our Father, who art in heaven.
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.


We are one family who follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who for us is God’s Son and reveals God’s love for us as witnessed in the Gospels

We believe in ONE GOD.

We believe in a God, who is eternal, who created the world. This is God the Father.

We believe in a God, born as a baby called Jesus.

This Jesus grew up to be a prophet, who was sentenced to death on a cross.

Three days later Jesus came back to life, and was seen by his followers, who spoke with him and ate with him.

Jesus was then taken up into heaven to be reunited with God the Father.

This is God the Son.

We believe in a God who in truth brings wisdom to people and inspires their lives.

This is God the Holy Spirit.

Christians speak many languages, and are from many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but we worship one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We worship in many churches and buildings throughout Slough, every day of the week, but especially on a Sunday.

All are welcome to pop into any church and find out more.