Walk ‘n talk in Salt Hill Park
Islam Awareness week this year coincides with National Interfaith week. Slough is proud to be launching ‘walk ‘n talk’ – the first of many around the UK in the coming year. We will be oined by Dawud Wharnsby, singer/songwriter to launch the event.
Come and walk with your neighbours, meet new friends, talk to people who you would otherwise not get a chnce to meet. Salt Hill Park – Sunday 22nd November at 10.20am
All ages – young and old, men and women, pushchairs or wheelchairs – whatever the weather!
To register, or for more information, call Shah Bano Razvi on 01753 526575 info@annisa-slough.org.uk, or call Julie on 07956 132035.
Donations will be made to Barnardo’s