Archive for the ‘One World Week 2013’ Category

One World Week Film Festival Photos

Rev Linda Hillier and the autism panel

Rev Linda Hillier presents the autism panel

Rev Linda Hillier addresses the audience of Autism evening

Rev Linda Hillier addresses the audience

LGBT Panel discussed the movie Undertow

LGBT Panel discussion

HIV panel, chaired by Jennifer Williams discussed issues surrounding HIV and AIDS.

HIV panel, chaired by Jennifer Williams discussed issues surrounding HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS panel included members of Thames Valley Positive Support

HIV/AIDS panel with Thames Valley Positive Support

Panel discussion on LGBT issues

Panel discussion on LGBT issues

Last evening of Slough Faith Partnership. Showing Untouchables, a movie about Disabilities and Carers.

Last movie of the Film Festival, Untouchables,about Disabilities/Carers

Panel discusses the issues surrounding disability and caring.

Panel discusses the issues surrounding disability and caring

One World Week events 2013

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For One World Week this year, Slough Faith Partnership will host a mini Film Festival featuring five films to stimulate discussion on important social issues.

Click here to download a leaflet of the events for the week

The Festival will be held at The Britwell Centre in Wentworth Avenue (SL2 2DT) each evening from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th October, and on Saturday 26th. The films will start promptly at 7pm, and will be followed by discussion and light refreshments. Everyone is welcome – please note that the films on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are rated PG-13, while the films on Tuesday and Saturday are rated15; anyone under the age of 15 will not be admitted on these days. The evenings are free of charge.

On Monday 21st the festival feature the Australian film Black Balloon (rated PG-13), about a young man growing up with an autistic brother. On Tuesday 22nd, the Peruvian film Undertow (rated 15) tells the story of a man reconciling devotion to his male lover with the rigid traditions of his town. On Wednesday 23rd, the film Matchstick Men (rated PG-13), starring Nicholas Cage, explores the life of a phobic con artist when his teenage daughter suddenly pays a visit; this will be followed by Azeem Khan’s short film Open Secrets. On Thursday 24th, Life, Above All (rated PG-13), sees a young girl fighting the fear and shame of HIV in her community in South Africa. The week closes on Saturday 26th with the French Film Untouchable (rated 15) telling the story of a quadriplegic aristocrat who hires a young unemployed man as his carer.